Today’s post is special for prescribers and also for our test customers.

ConectGene’s partner laboratory for pharmacogenetic testing is Inagene (, a highly specialized Canadian laboratory focused solely on pharmacogenetic testing.

As a company committed to continuous improvement, Inagene decided to remove from its reports, as of the end of September/23, genetic information that was based on preliminary studies. Although it has always been very clear in its reports that some of the recommendations delivered were based on preliminary studies, the option is now to remove them, as a way of prioritizing the scientific evidence that should support pharmacogenetic information.

As the expression itself says, recommendations based on preliminary studies mean gene-drug associations that come from published literature, but that have not yet been replicated and, therefore, lack good scientific validation to actually be able to support and guide the prescription decisions.

New versions of our reports will only include recommendations that adhere to rigorous standards of evidence established by consortiums of experts such as CPIC ( and PharmGkb (, entities responsible for issuing guidelines based on published studies and for classifying the levels of evidence of the gene-drug relationship. Furthermore, they comply with the guidance of regulatory groups, such as the FDA, for example, institutions that must be consulted to obtain scientific consensus.

The decision to make this change, therefore, is based on evidence that suggests that providing preliminary information may be detrimental to patient outcomes, as there have been cases based on self-reports, rather than actual research, that have induced prescribers to change treatments based on preliminary data. For this reason, the international pharmacogenetics community no longer supports the inclusion of preliminary data in reports.

For the same reason as to no longer offer information that does not have a good basis of scientific evidence, information about cannabinoids was also suppressed, the use of which is not recognized in psychiatry as having proven validity by the Brazilian Psychiatric Association (see manifesto here).

We hope you understand that, in essence, we are making our tests even more accurate and above all we hope you continue to honor us with your prescriptions.

ConectGene: commitment to science and the best pharmacogenetic test for you.

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